Monday, April 22, 2013

Wait... You're Brazilain, you're supposed to know these things


So, funny story, Celina will be staying at my host parents house for the week and yesterday, she was going to go and spend the night with Andriea at her house. However, Paulo, my host father, is sick and he's the only one who knows where Andriea's house is, so they decided that we would all go to Sao Luis Shopping, which is the biggest mall in the city meet there and then hang out before going back to my house and sleeping. It was not to be.

The mall was closed, only the bathrooms open. The reason, apparently it is a holiday, something that no one (Brazilians included) seemed to know. So we went to a different mall, Rio Anil Shopping, this time the food court and the theater was open so we thought 'hey, let's go see a movie!'. So we went inside and looked at the different movies that we could watch. Celina wanted to watch a nice, non-violent movie in English, there weren't any of those available. So we called Mardone, my family's driver, to come pick us up, got Bob's burgers (think MacDonald's) and went to my house were we all crashed around midnight, despite the fact I had to get up at six the next day.

The three of us (Andriea, Celina and I) seem to have the most random adventures everytime we try to meet up.

That's all for now folks!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013



So, I am officially totally awesome because I wrote an essay, in Portuguese (*does victory dance*) and a poem (okay so that wasn't entirely in Portuguese and more than half of it was in English but rhyming in another language is very hard!)! Go me! (*does epic victory dance*)

Okay, so I'm mostly posting so that people know I'm still alive down here and having a great time.

I miss all of you! Eu saudade voces!

PS if I hear from enough people about it, I'll post either the essay, the poem or both, depending on what you guys want. Comment and tell me!

Monday, April 8, 2013

And then only four remained...


Today, is a sad day *cue wildly overdone tears* Marie has returned to France. We will all miss her...

Major bummer. Marie had to go home so that she could study (which caused a few laughs from the exchange students because that is the exact excuse the Brazilians use every time!). We are all going to miss her, a lot. Marie will be remembered by her awesome comments and her ability to make everyone laugh almost instantly!

For other news, well actually I don't have anything abnormal to report, just school. Oh, I should probably mention that my favorite teacher's name is Alexsan and he teaches physics. I like him because he continually attempts (please note the word 'attempts' to speak in English with me, fails miserably and then says what he meant to say in Portuguese instead. It is quite funny.

Eu amo voces!