Thursday, November 22, 2012

Can you say...

Give me a C! Give me an H! Give me a... What am I thinking? I don't have time for this. I was going to spell chaos because that describes my week but I'm not evil (most of the time heheheh, why did I write that? Now everyone knows my super secret plot to take over the world and ban all rice krispies. What? I never said I was sane and after the week I had...). Moving on... My week has been crazy, from exploding pens that make you miss an important announcement (long story) to missing a test because my host mother turned off her cell phone (again long story but don't worry, I have a make up test sceduled).

And after all that, happy Thanksgiving! I am in another country and I still remember! Yea!

Anyways, I hope you American types all have an awesome holiday and don't eat too much!


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