Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!


Happy Halloween one day late! I had a very busy day yesterday that involved getting up early, going to school to take some tests (inglês, filosofia, física e literatura or English, philosophy, physics and literature). I may not have gotten a ten, the grading system goes from one to ten, ten being the highest, but I think I did fairly well. After I finished my tests, I went back to the house and had lunch. Then I went back to school for class. As I said, it was a long day but I had a lot of fun.

I would now like to take the time to offer my wishes of safety for those who were affected by Hurricane Sandy. It is on the news even here and I, along with the rest of my host family, are hoping that everyone in the storms path comes out safely.

Paz e amor!

PS I realized that I forgot about my challenges! Here's the answer to last week's challenge:
In the United States, the lakes are very cold.

And the challenge for this week:
O mar aqui é não frio.


  1. Hi Kiki!!!!
    This is my translation "The sea is not cold"
    Miss ya and I'm glad your having fun : )

    Eu amo voce,
    Your sister!

  2. Kiki -
    Now I'll write my translation -
    "The ocean here is not cold."

    Love you lots!
