Sunday, November 11, 2012

Rotary Orientation


No, I haven't dropped off the face of the planet, but thanks for asking.

So it has been a long week, I have been going crazy getting together the paperwork and other stuff that I need to go on a tour in December. I'm really looking forward to it! On top of that insanity, this weekend was also the Rotary Orientation. I had a blast! On Friday we walked around the historic district of São Luís and then went to a restaurant to eat. On Saturday, we woke up early and had breakfast before going over Rotary rules. Then we had lunch at another restaurant. After lunch we all walked to the beach and played in the water. We were taking pictures as a group, standing in the water, when a wave came up behind us, that photo showed all of us with very shocked expressions on our faces, sadly it wasn't my camera. After lunch we all talked to David about how our exchange has been so far, I know this may be hard to believe but one of the students only got here two days before! Talk about cutting it close! We then were driven back to the beach where we proceeded to go crazy with pictures starring the Brazilian flag. That night we went to dinner at the Rotary building and they had a DJ! I was voted 'Dancing Queen' of the night because I out danced even the Brazilians! I really hope they send me the photos because I don't have any from the dance onwards. This morning, after getting back really early that morning, we were supposed to go to the beach but no one could drag their butts out of bed, I'm still recovering from last night, I have blisters from my shoes!

Well, now you know all about the weekend. I'll leave you with an onslaught of pictures. Enjoy!


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