Saturday, February 23, 2013

Surrendering to the Truth

Ola, todo o mundo!

So, I have a confession to make. *shuffles feet nervously while looking at her feet* Mom, Dad, Caroline, Grammy and Papa, you were right and I was wrong. Seafood does taste good when cooked correctly. It tastes very good when you have it lightly battered with rice and beans. My host father had me try some (translation: he put some on my plate after saying 'prova' (try) and made sure I ate it...) and I really liked it. Caroline, stop laughing, I still don't like shrimp!

Anyways, I am having a great time here in Brazil and as soon as I manage to find my camera cord when my iPad is not out of battery, I will be posting my pictures!

Te amo!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

But Baby it's Cold Outside (and inside because someone won't turn off the air conditioners at school...)


Yeah, yeah, I know, I shouldn't be complaining, it's below freezing up north but please consider the fact that I am now very used to warm weather and it is not warm here now. I am currently in my room with the windows and doors closed (it is cold out!), in warm clothing, underneath a blanket. I'm just thankful I'm no longer at school because the air conditioners run twenty-four seven and you freeze inside the classroom. I spent most of the day taking notes with my arm as close to me as possible because my seat is close to the AC.

But anyways, I wish all of this cold and wet weather on you guys so that you can have lots of snow!


Thursday, February 14, 2013



Whew! Carnival is over. Now I can get to sleep before three in the morning. Only part I disliked about it. But anyways, Carnival was a blast. I would upload the pictures but I can't find my camera cord right now. (I'm fairly certain that it is at the bottom of the bag that is in another bag in another bag... and well, you get the idea? Knowing my luck, I probably put it in a really good spot that I 'knew' I would never forget. Isn't that wonderful! :P

But anyways, Carnival... yeah. So, for those of you who need a mental picture to subsitute my sever lack of, picture Mardi Gras with lots of skin showing, loud music and samba. That about sums it up. For those of you who don't know what Mardi Gras is (and have yet to Google it...), picture a five day costume party (like Halloween) with the above mentioned. Now, take all of that knowledge and add the word Brazil to it. Instant party. It was crazy and my host family wasn't even in the thick of it! I loved it! I mean, really, who wouldn't want to basically celebrate Happy Thursday for five days straight? (Note: For those who have not been exposed to the awesomeness that is Happy Thursday, please proceed to the nearest Hulbert Homeschool week attendee and ask them. Obrigada.) I mean, come on!

So, yeah, back to Carnival... My host sister and I got spray cans of foam and sprayed each other with it (it's a tradition...). That is something that I really need to bring back with me to the states (glances at photos of fellow homeschoolers and snickers, they won't know what hit them...)

Cue evil music

I probably should mention the powder we throw at each other either, should I?

Music fades out

Naw, I'm just kidding about using it on my best of friends whole would never (insert sarcasm) do that to me... I'll just bring it up for Exploroptionals at camp (once again, please refer to the nearest Hulber Homeschool week attendee near you...).

But despite, (or perhaps because of) the flying powder and foam, I had an awesome time!


Note: sleep deprivation may cause extreme amounts of sarcasm and bad humor to occur. If this happens, please direct subject to the nearest bed.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013



I hope everyone is okay and all of that! I'm sorry about not posting, I haven't been feeling the greatest but I'm better now. So in my school literature class I came across a saying in Portuguese that is rather interesting. Olho por olho e dente por dente. Can anyone translate it before looking at my translation? If so, good for you! If not, well here is what it means, eye for eye and tooth for tooth. The importance of that phrase is that I understood it without trying to translate! I'm still not completely fluent, mostly because Portuguese is very hard to learn but I can get my point across fairly well!


PS This is the result of sleeping less than I should... The Dark Side has chocolate chip cookies and I'm allergic to chocolate. lol