Thursday, August 30, 2012

One day in school!


So, I've been asked to write about a typical day at school, so here we go.

My host brother drives me to school at 13:00 or 1:00 (they go by military time here). The drive to Upaon-Açu takes about fifteen minutes and goes from Monte Castelo to São Fransisco, which are districts within the city. After I arrive I go up to classroom 2D on the third floor. My class is the second year of high school, which corresponds to the third year of high school in the United States. The 'hallways' have a railing and are open to the elements, it hasn't rained very hard yet but they all have a roof. My classroom, like most within the school, has two air conditioners, thank goodness. I go I and sit with my friend Layla, Luciane, Franklin and 'Frodo' (that is her nickname) in the back right corner. Classes start at 13:30 or when ever the professor walks in, they go for four hours and then we take a thirty minute break at 16:45. After the break classes continue until 18:50, unless it is Monday, then classes go until 19:30. Julio usually picks me up and we drive home and every night, without fail, we have gotten stuck in traffic. I get home most days at 19:30. Then I eat dinner and watch tv or do something with my host family.

So that's a basic day in my life!

PS I usually sleep in, Brazil goes to sleep late.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

One Month!


Can you guys believe how long I've been here already? I'm not sure I can. I am having so much fun. So far I have gotten four letters from people in the states, I really like hearing from you all. I'm learning so much and I still have so much more to learn! I'm loving it!

Beijos from Brazil!

Friday, August 24, 2012

More Pics


So putting in picture is still not easy but here we go...

The first two photos are of my friend at school. The other two are of me and my host mother and sister at the beach one night


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hello again!


So I'm back with my host family. I was very happy to be going back to a minha casa, that means my house in Portuguese, I loved staying with David but I missed my host family, just like I miss my real family. However, no matter how much I miss the USA, I am coming to love Brazil and I don't want to go back yet! I haven't learned the language! I'm learning!

Yesterday, I had a real treat! A Brazilian BBQ! The food was delisious! I must tell you, however, that the food here is very salty, good but salty.

Beijos! That means kisses!

PS I'm sorry you guys haven't heard from me for a bit. I had this written a few days ago but the Internet has been acting funny.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Captain Jello


So, I thought you all would be interested to learn about this funny game that I learned from my classmates at school. It is called 'Captain Jello'. Here is how you play as far as I understand it: to join the game you go up to someone you know is playing and say 'Captain Jello' when they aren't 'safe'. ( You are safe when you have some part of your body crossed; arm, legs ankles, fingers, etc.). If they are truly 'not safe' (they don't have anything crossed) then they have to freeze until someone taps them. (What I do and what almost everyone else does is catch someon, laugh and then release them.) After you (or someone else) releases them they might (if it is your first time playing) offer you they 'Captain Jello Promise' (basically a pinky promise) after that you are in the game and anyone can try and get you, so keep you fingers crossed. You wouldn't believe how many times I forget, today during break I was walking down to the snack bar when one of the boys in my class shouted from the hallway near our classroom door " Kiki! Captain Jello!". ( Note: I was on the second floor and he was on the third. Our classroom is near the handicapt ramp so you can clearly see the hallway I was walking in.) I, of course, didn't have anything crossed so I was frozen midstride. He started down the handicapt ramp but thankfully a girl who was not in my class tapped me. I proclaimed him truly evil and  proceeded to laugh about it. He had gotten me fair and square.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Two Weeks


Wow! I can't believe I've been here for two weeks!

Today I said goodbye to Juliane, she will be leaving for the USA soon. I was sad to see her go. Today however I moved to my host chairman's house. I will be staying for a week so that my host family can travel to Sao Paulo with Juliane.

I didn't have school today so I went to talk to students in a language school. They study English there. I went to six different classes and they asked my questions and practiced their English. It was really fun.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dia do Pais!


Happy Father's Day in Brazil! Go and wish your dads a very happy day, from Brazil!

I got sent a bunch of questions and I will do my best to answer some of them. Question number 1: how much of a city is Sao Luis? Well, picture the narrow crowded streets of cities in Mexico but take away the constant noise, it is actually very quiet. Question number 2: what is school like? We have one classroom the teachers, not the students are the ones to move from classroom to classroom. I don't understand everything but I copy down everything that is written on the board and know that one day I'll look back and be able to understand it, that is if I copied it correctly. Question number 3: how do I get around the city? Sao Luis has an extensive system of buses, however I have only ridden in a car driven by my host mother, father or brother.

That's all for tonight!


Thursday, August 9, 2012



Today I went to the Sao Luis Rotary Club to say thank you for hosting me. It went until about ten o'clock. I really am looking forward to doing my presentation butane I couldn't do it tonight because it was only a small amount of time that I had to thank them.

Anyways, I'm having loads of fun and I can't wait to be able to understand what the teachers are saying.

Eu adoro voces!


I think I've figured out how to put in pictures so here we are!


Monday, August 6, 2012

First Day of School!


First thing I'd like to say is: yeah, I've been here for six days!

Second thing I want to say is that I still can't figure out how to get pictures onto the blog, I know I've done it before but I think there is some miscommunication between the Internet and the iPad. In other words, it's not me, it's the iPad.

And now we get to the good stuff... I had my first day of school today! I was very nervous but I survived! It was very different than what I'm used to but it was really fun meeting new people, even if I can barely speak their language. One of the funniest things I learned today was that Justin Beiber's name is taboo and will cause people to cover their ears saying nao (Portuguese for no). Anyways... I managed to understand a good deal of what was said to me, until the noise picked up in the classroom or they started going too fast, which was most of the time. Another cool thing I learned it that in Brazil the students aren't the ones who move form classroom to classroom, the teachers move. That's a little different hm? I had a lot of fun, even if school did go to almost seven o'clock.

Now to answer a question that my mom commented earlier, what is the weather like? Well, I guess you could say it is similar to the weather in New England, if you dont like it, wait five minutes, it will change.


Saturday, August 4, 2012



Hey everyone! Today I went to a party for a girl who will be leaving for Denmark next week. It was really cool because I a previous exchange student to the USA. I will be starting school on Monday so everyone wish me luck!


Friday, August 3, 2012



Today I want to the beach with minha familia and we had dinner at a small outdoor restaurant. Juliane somehow managed to convince me to try... gasp... shrimp... crab... and fried fish. And even more shocking for all of you is that I enjoyed it, well not so much the fried fish but o meu pai e a minha mae agreed that it wasn't the best they had had. Anyways I love it here and I can't wait until I'm fluent in Portuguese.


PS If you guys have any questions about Sao Luis just comment and let me know and I'll try to answer them!

Thursday, August 2, 2012



Today I was going to go to the Rotary Club but I didn't because Juliane and a good friend of hers wanted to take me to see a movie!

We watched Batman Dark Night Rises and because I am in Brazil the movie was dubbed in Portuese. I may not have understood everything but it was really cool!


PS Just in case anyone is wondering I have been taking pictures but for some reason I can't get them on to my blog.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day Two


So, second day in Brazil! Wow! I already love it here! We got my uniform for school today and I met several of  my host families friends. It was awesome! It is always really hot here and I'm really glad that I love the hot weather, even though it looks like I won't be skiing until next year.

I will be starting school here next Monday and I will be meeting the Rotary Club tomorrow.

I can't wait!