Monday, August 6, 2012

First Day of School!


First thing I'd like to say is: yeah, I've been here for six days!

Second thing I want to say is that I still can't figure out how to get pictures onto the blog, I know I've done it before but I think there is some miscommunication between the Internet and the iPad. In other words, it's not me, it's the iPad.

And now we get to the good stuff... I had my first day of school today! I was very nervous but I survived! It was very different than what I'm used to but it was really fun meeting new people, even if I can barely speak their language. One of the funniest things I learned today was that Justin Beiber's name is taboo and will cause people to cover their ears saying nao (Portuguese for no). Anyways... I managed to understand a good deal of what was said to me, until the noise picked up in the classroom or they started going too fast, which was most of the time. Another cool thing I learned it that in Brazil the students aren't the ones who move form classroom to classroom, the teachers move. That's a little different hm? I had a lot of fun, even if school did go to almost seven o'clock.

Now to answer a question that my mom commented earlier, what is the weather like? Well, I guess you could say it is similar to the weather in New England, if you dont like it, wait five minutes, it will change.


1 comment:

  1. hahahaha.....does his name mean something bad, or do they just not like his music?
