Thursday, August 30, 2012

One day in school!


So, I've been asked to write about a typical day at school, so here we go.

My host brother drives me to school at 13:00 or 1:00 (they go by military time here). The drive to Upaon-Açu takes about fifteen minutes and goes from Monte Castelo to São Fransisco, which are districts within the city. After I arrive I go up to classroom 2D on the third floor. My class is the second year of high school, which corresponds to the third year of high school in the United States. The 'hallways' have a railing and are open to the elements, it hasn't rained very hard yet but they all have a roof. My classroom, like most within the school, has two air conditioners, thank goodness. I go I and sit with my friend Layla, Luciane, Franklin and 'Frodo' (that is her nickname) in the back right corner. Classes start at 13:30 or when ever the professor walks in, they go for four hours and then we take a thirty minute break at 16:45. After the break classes continue until 18:50, unless it is Monday, then classes go until 19:30. Julio usually picks me up and we drive home and every night, without fail, we have gotten stuck in traffic. I get home most days at 19:30. Then I eat dinner and watch tv or do something with my host family.

So that's a basic day in my life!

PS I usually sleep in, Brazil goes to sleep late.

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