Sunday, September 30, 2012

Photo Update!


So I realized that I haven't posted many photos lately so here they are.

They include:
São Luís at night (from several days ago)
The pool (today)
And the small water park (also today)

Eu amo vocês!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Two out of three


So not long ago I realized that I can understand about two thirds of everything that is said to me in Portuguese, provided they speak slowly. However, the one third that I do not understand is usually the important part. For example, try to understand someone when they say: do you want to blank to the blank blank? You understand the basics but it is really frustrating when you have to play charades all the time, but on the other hand, some people come up with really bizarre ways of illustrating what they are saying.

I'll figure everything out eventually.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

English classes and crab meat


So, on Friday I had the pleasure of performing a scene from the tv show 'Pretty Little Liars'. I played the part of Spencer. It was really fun. We all changed out of our uniforms and wore black dresses while we performed! We all had a very good time.

On Saturday, I had the opportunity to try crab meat. I loved it! I didn't expect that. Today we went to the beach and I rediscovered coconut water and also had more crab meat. My host parents kept feeding me and now I'm stuffed!

Eu amo vocês!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Poker Face


So, what happens when you add good music from either the states or Brazil, a bunch of female Brazilian Rotarians and one female American exchange student? The answer, a very amusing dance party!

A few days ago, I went to a luncheon for Rotary. After we had finished the meal, someone put on some music. After a few songs had played 'Single Ladies' by Beyonce started to play. I know some of the dance so I started to do it and before I knew it I had several people following me with the moves. It became a dance exchange, they would show me how to dance to a Brazilian song and I would show them how to dance to an American song! One of the songs was the English translation of 'aí Se Tu Pego' by Michel Teló and I now agree with most of Brazil, it is a lame song but that doesn't mean we can't dance to it! Something that I don't think I could forget easily was the sight of my host mother and another Rotarian dancing to 'Poker Face' by Lady Gaga and everyone cracking up because the two were cleaning dishes as well.

I hope you guys are having an awesome time in the states!


Thursday, September 13, 2012



So I was wondering what to write for this blog when I heard my inspiration, literally! It was one of the political promotions. I should probably explain that in Brazil all adult citizens are required to vote by law and because they are the candidates put forth different efforts to win votes. Those include television and radio commercials and posters but I have to admit that Brazilians then get much more creative. Picture this: an automobile, it could be a car or a truck, with flags supporting a candidate hanging out the side, the windows filled with decarations supporting the candidate and speakers mounted on the top singing the candidate's praise. I once even saw a parade of cars that all supported the same candidate and other candidates set off fireworks to get people's attention. At first I thought it was really cool, until I got stuck in traffic next to one. Then it got annoying, most people seem to agree, and you can't really blame them.

Anyways, they go by the apartment only every now and them but if you go on the main roads, they're everywhere.

I still love Brazil but it is very different when it comes to political advertising!


Monday, September 10, 2012

A meeting with the other kids...


So, on Saturday I went to the mall and had my first meeting with all of the other exchange students from Rotary. I had lots of fun. Celina and Ana-Paula were there. Celina is from Germany and Ana-Paula is going to Germany. They are host sisters. Anna is from Denmark and both of her host brothers came as well. 'Tony' is from Taiwan and his host brother came with him. Tony isn't his really name but no one came pronounce his real name. Two other Rebounds (people who went on an exchange and came back) were also there. Here are the pictures!

Paz! (Peace!)

PS I wanted to have this posted a few days ago but I ran into a few problems. I have gotten them fixed up now so no need to worry.

PPS Anna has the short funky hair-do and has used the phrase 'one time at band camp'. Ana-Paula has long dark hair and Celina has shorter blondish hair.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Happy 400th Birthday São Luís!


So today we had a holiday from school and we celebrated São Luís's 400 birthday! Yea! We went to this fairground like place for dinner and saw a lot of animals. My host cousin Taisa also went with us. We all had a lot of fun. Taisa and I went in one of those 6D movie theater things. The seats move and they have air blowing sometimes and water sprinkling others. It was called Goldmine Tour. During the show, Taisa sat on my right and a girl I didn't know sat on my left. For the duration of show they both held onto my hands and screamed. I was grinning like a maniac the whole time, especially when the skeleton 'landed' on the front of the cart.

Enjoy these pictures!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012



So I took some more pictures of my school and my friends. Here they are!


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Facts About My Life in São Luís


This is just something that I thought up a little bit ago and thought you guys might like.

Facts About My Life in São Luís
1. I eat rice every day with lunch, which is the largest meal.
2. The food is salty, not sweet (excepting the deserts which are really sweet).
3. The food tastes really good here, excepting the pizza. If you want pizza, stay in the States, it is better there. (Not that it is bad here but if you want New York style, go to New York, try the seafood while your here, it is very good.)
4. School starts at 13:30 and ends at 18:50 everyday, except Monday, then it ends at 19:30.
6. My fingers are always crossed when I'm at school. This protects me from random 'Captain Jellos'.
7. (KI)^2=KIKI I'm still good at math. (I can't claim the credit for the math with my name, one of my classmates figured it out after I had finished three math problems faster than it took two of them to finish one.)
8. Most of my classmates love Harry Potter, dislike Justin Beiber and think the song 'Ai Se Tu Pego' by Michel Télo is a lame song (this opinion seems to be shared by most of São Luís, if not most of Brazil).
9. I always get stuck in traffic on my way home from school.
10. I have noticed that the most popular type of car is the Volkswagen Gol.
11. I skipped number five and you just looked up to check.
12. I am having an awesome time and I am beginning to understand a lot more Portuguese.

Eu amo voces!