Monday, January 28, 2013

Let's do the time warp again!


So, I have been kicked out of Senior year, and before you ask, no, it was not my fault. They needed more space for people (not to mention that senior year is extremely difficult) and so, I, as one of the exchange students, was asked to go to a lower year. I asked to have class in the morning because while it does mean that I have to get up early, I have more time to do things with my friends, like go to the movies.

Unfortunately, the only class opening they have available in the morning was first year (they have three years of high school, third year is when you graduate) and so, in the interest of being able to see my friends during break, I have moved to first year. Thus the time warp, I'm going back to sophomore year!

Yes, anyways, a few days ago I took a test, this test was for Portuguese! And I wrote an entire essay in Portuguese! Yeah go me! It may not have been a long essay but it wasn't bad and I did get credit for it!

Anyways, that's all folks!


Monday, January 21, 2013

Off to another family and other misadventures


Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

Don't mind me, I'm just banging my head against the wall.

Thump. Thump. Thu...

Why? Oh, good question. It is a rather intriguing story. (cue flashback music)

I was going back to school. Yes I had to get up early but it wasn't that bad. I got to my classroom and saw a friend of mine. It was Karoline! She told me a few things...

One, every Monday we have a test at 3:30.

Two, every weekday that we have school (not including Tuesdays which goes until 12:30), school goes until 13:20.

And she saved the worst for last, we have school every Saturday until 12:30!


(fade out flashback music)

The good news is that I moved to a new host family. Here is my address now:

Tv. Coronel Euripedes Bezerra número 13 q17 Turu
São Luís, Ma. Brasil CEP 65066260

There you are!

Boa noite!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wait! You mean I have to get up early!?


So, um... Funny story. *laughs nervously* So, I told you that school was starting and I would be going soon. Well, I, um, didn't go. The reason? Well, several different reasons. The yesterday no one could drive me. My current host sister had to go to the dentist that was on the other side of the city and my host parents weren't home, thus, I did not go. Rational from my host family: it is only the first day. Today, my host sister drove me into school and was going to help me find my classroom when we saw one of my old classmates coming out of the school. Long story short, my class is now in the morning and no one told me. Then as we are heading back to the car, my host sister realizes that I will be missing the first few days of school because my host father, David, isn't home and unless I arrive at o' dark thirty in the morning, neither my host mother or sister can drive me. They work on the other side of the city. Once I get to my second official host family (or David returns), I can go to school. Now I need to get an alarm clock. Mine doesn't work.

Eu amo voces!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Back to School


So, today I am going back to school. Yea! (not really) I wish I could spend more time on vacation but all good things must come to an end. Thankfully, I have class in the afternoon, which means I can sleep in! It should be interesting for me to see how much Portuguese I have picked up over the summer. I think I learned quite a bit.

I just spent the last weekend at my previous host families house with Marie, from France, and Anna, from Denmark. We had a good time hanging out but I got slightly ill during a concert that we went to and proceeded to feel terrible almost the entire weekend. Not my idea of fun but hey, it could have been worse. As of now, I am at David's home and I still don't know when I'm going to my next host family.

I'll keep you all updated!
Amor e paz!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Photo Dump!


So, a lot of things happened and I keep forgetting to post the rest of the photos from my trip in December. So here they are.


(I had this ready yesterday but the Internet doesn't like me here)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

House of David


So, I am moving to my next house in a few days and am currently at David's home. I got here yesterday. Anna is also here. Today we went shopping together at one of the malls. I got an awesome shirt, two pairs of jean shorts, a jean skirt and a pair of stilettos! I really like my new bottoms, they are very comfortable. We were picked up by Damira, David's daughter and then we went home.

What happened when I got home was a combination of horrifing, disgusting and hilarious. I was in the bathroom changing out of my dress when I saw a lizard. Now, Anna loves lizards, so I told her to come and look because she was in the room. She laughed as she saw it and cracked a joke about being glad it wasn't a huge spider that I wanted her to come see. Less than five minutes later I'm in the bathroom and I look under the sink on the wall and there, what do you know, is a huge spider. I freaked and left the bathroom and my attached room ASAP to tell Anna. She, at first, thought it was a joke before I showed her said huge spider. After describing it as huge and disgusting we went and got Damira and showed her the spider. She told us to get David. So, we went and got David, who was watching tv in his room with his wife. Then all of the people in the house went down to my room to look at the huge spider which David then killed with his shoe. I left my room and have yet to go back in for a period exceeding five minutes since. Honestly, can you blame me? It was a BIG spider. Enough said. I took a picture. My camera is in my room, you'll get it tomorrow.

Kiki (The-Girl-Who-Freaked-Out-When-She-Saw-A-Huge-Spider-When-She-Was-Sitting-On-The-Can)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Feliz Ano Novo!

Feliz ano novo!

That means happy new year!

So last night at around ten o'clock my host family met up with two other families and went to an open air restaurant on the beach. We listened to music and talked for a little bit before having some food. Then, we listened to a live band and waited for the new year to come. We counted down the last few seconds and then sent streamers into the air, blew plastic horns (one guy brought an air horn and proceeded to give it to a young boy, I wasn't the only one giving the guy death glares) and danced. My host mother, one of her friends and I went down to the beach and hoped waves for luck. Then we all danced some more while listening to the band.

At two am, it started to sprinkle and after moving to important things under cover we continued dancing. Everything was alright, for about five minutes, then it started to pour. There is nothing, nothing! That can break up a party at two am on New Years Day faster than buckets of water coming from the sky. We then had to experience the wonders of traffic at two am, while the streets have four inches of water on them. I took a shower and went right to bed!

All in all, I had an awesome time and I am looking forward to living in dois mil e treze!

Muitos felizidades!