Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Feliz Ano Novo!

Feliz ano novo!

That means happy new year!

So last night at around ten o'clock my host family met up with two other families and went to an open air restaurant on the beach. We listened to music and talked for a little bit before having some food. Then, we listened to a live band and waited for the new year to come. We counted down the last few seconds and then sent streamers into the air, blew plastic horns (one guy brought an air horn and proceeded to give it to a young boy, I wasn't the only one giving the guy death glares) and danced. My host mother, one of her friends and I went down to the beach and hoped waves for luck. Then we all danced some more while listening to the band.

At two am, it started to sprinkle and after moving to important things under cover we continued dancing. Everything was alright, for about five minutes, then it started to pour. There is nothing, nothing! That can break up a party at two am on New Years Day faster than buckets of water coming from the sky. We then had to experience the wonders of traffic at two am, while the streets have four inches of water on them. I took a shower and went right to bed!

All in all, I had an awesome time and I am looking forward to living in dois mil e treze!

Muitos felizidades!

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